(*) You May Want To Locate A Place That You Can Spend Less for Hobo Sadie VI-32059 Wallet,Black,One Size...
Photo of Hobo Sadie VI-32059 Wallet,Black,One Size
Hey there. You might be doubtful on Hobo Sadie VI-32059 Wallet,Black,One Size. As a result you are researching to gather more information about it. Sure, you now have found just the right website to collect some more details associated with Hobo Sadie VI-32059 Wallet,Black,One Size. You can also check the purchase prices by clicking on the link displayed in this website to determine if they are very affordable and competitive or not. I advise you to continue and do a further scan of Hobo Sadie VI-32059 Wallet,Black,One Size.
♠ Interesting Facts About Hobo Sadie VI-32059 Wallet,Black,One Size
Double magnetic snap closure |
Exterior zip pocket |
Fully lined in graphic print fabric with nine credit card slots, ID window, three bill pockets and a cell phone pocket. Fabric may vary |
Italian top-grain leather, extra tumbled for a unique `broken-in' look and beautiful shine |
Shiny nickel hardware |
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